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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Changes, Changes and More Changes!

Hello Everyone:

This post has been a long time coming!  I am sorry I have not updated this blog as much as I would have liked to.  I am going to be posting more regularly here.

New JOB!  After almost exactly 7 years at the School District of Philadelphia, I have moved on to a fantastic charter school!  Universal Vare Charter Middle School is my new home.  I have a fantastic new community of staff and students to work with!  I am no longer just a Business Technology or Computer Science Teacher.  I am now in charge of developing and teaching a STEM curriculum to students from 5th to 8th grade.  I also have some RTI time with 1st - 4th graders each day.  I am trying to institute some major changes at the school that include a switch to Google Apps for EDU, starting a school newspaper, yearbook, and other technology support efforts similar to programs I helped create at my other schools.

New GRANDPARENTS!  Yes, Patrick has married a wonderful girl (Alyssa) and they have had the cutest child!  Sinta Jane Scribner was born in February.  Jodi and I are now Grandparents!  WOW!

Jodi has also been promoted at work!  She is now the Director of Rehab for Manorcare in King of Prussia.

Evan and Erik are doing great in school, great at sports, and are following higher path as Boy Scouts. Evan has crossed over from Cub Scouts to Troop 133 in Worcester.  He is doing great things with the troop like skiing, first-aid training, and many other fun activities.  He earned his Arrow of Light prior to leaving Pack 608.  Erik is moving into Webelos this summer, and will go to camp again with me.

Hope this little update finds you well.  I will say hello here more often and let everyone know how we are doing!!


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