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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Change of Command Ceremony

We had the chance to participate in one of the Army's finest traditions while here.  Recently, the Commander of the US Forces here in MFO was changed.  The ceremony included stirring speeches, dignitaries, and the coolest marching band from the Fiji Battalion.  We stood in the 110 degree heat with the wool beret.  As hot as it was, watching the pass in review, the presentation of the colors, and the changing of control of the unit colors was a pretty moving experience.  Everything choreographed to the timing of the orders and the music.  Presenting arms to salute the flag and all the officers, and watching our Troop colors being presented was impressive.  There was even some pre-designated marching and a color guard made up of soldiers mostly from Troop-A.  Another nice perk from the ceremony was that we got the rest of the day off.  I went to bed and actually slept for 12 hours straight.

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